Design I-II. Afternoon
Jaime J. Ferrer Forés [R] Pilar Calderon Martínez Luis Ángel Domínguez Oriol Ferrer Frau Karin Elke Hofert Feix Ignacio Martínez Molina Yolanda Ortega Sanz Jorge Roig Navarro Sergi Serra Casals
A-11, A-12, A-13, A-14
A-21, A-22, A-23, A-24
Monday 17:00-20:00
Wednesday 17:00-20:00
The teaching in the first cycle of the grade means a learging of architecture as an acomulative research and takes three primordial notions: the use, the place and the construction, Types, Topos, Tectonic. For Kenneth Frampton "the built gets to exist invariably from the constant interaction of three vectors convergent topos, types and tectonic."
Thereby the course if Architectural Design I-II proposes a theoric frame that takes a transmissible set of ordered knoledge around the notion of typos, topos, tectonic that comes from the culture of the own discipline and that emanates from the architectural works. The teaching program addresses the design process from the conceptualization of the spatial, formal and constructive terms in a reflexive effort, a theoric thought that gives sense and coherence to the architectural form. Through this conceptualization of the foundations the course proposes a reflexion on the practice of the architectural desing claiming the interest of the architecture through the disciplinar knowledge.
The first semester is dedicated to the Tectonic through the analysis and the exercise of the constructing and spatial systems through the understandment of of the logic of the tectonic form, the wall system and the porticated systems. The second semester will be dedicated to the Topos. The notion of the place establish another key concept in the developement of the design, from the understatement of architecture link to the place.
The didactic of the course favors the codification of the architectural design elements and its systematification and the program of the course is thought as a manual meant to the learning and thinking. So, the program is illustrated by the narrative of drawing that illustrates the concepts.