Project, Process and Programming

Academic Coordination:
Elena Fernández Salas

Berta Bardí i Milá
Eduard Callís Freixas
Daniel García Escudero
Cristina Gastón Girau
Elena Fernández Salas
Jaime J. Ferrer Forés
Cristina Jover Fontanals
Carles Marcos Padrós
Magda Mària Serrano
Silvia Musquera Felip
Mónica Tárrega Klein
Pau Villalonga Munar

Address TFM Seminar:
Jaime J. Ferrer Forés y Elena Fernández

The Project, Process and Programming Line (PPP) of the MBArch offered by ETSAB it's program of Advanced Studies structured around the Architectural Project as an inducer of different types of reflections. These range from those aimed at testing attempts to update their own production of architecture, to those that activate the critical and strategic thinking necessary not only to position architecture in the contemporary cultural context, but also to also to defend their need in the face of a new conjuncture determined by the globalisation, social inequality, climate change and the resource crisis.

For the first time in history, the architect, in addition to knowing how to interpret the world material, it requires, in order to be able to intervene in it, also to know how to decipher the i. e. the scope of the data. In this regard, the research initiated by the PPP aims to discover the different dimensions that condition the “project architectural contemporary”, expanding the boundaries that circumscribed his own technical instruments towards more diffuse, transversal and transscale areas.

The learning process to meet this challenge is based on two approachescomplementary: the retrospective, from which the canonical study of architecture from its practical and theoretical side, and the prospective, from which will try to decipher the role that architecture and the architect should assume in the contemporary world. While the former is based on capacity-building reflects the student from reading, writing and analytical drawing of architecturethe second, it does so using the strategic plan and the speculative test with the to define what architecture can become in this new scenario.

Teaching Courses


Architecture, City and Project


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Architecture, Theory and Criticism


Architecture and Invention


Master's Thesis Seminar



Master's Thesis Seminar


Bases Proy I_tardes_2.jpg

Urban Scenes


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Design Theory

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Architecture, Environment and Technology


Comparative Architecture

Project, Residue and Recycling

