Design and Technology.



Alberto Peñín Llobet (R)
Joan Casals Pañella                      Clara Solà-Morales Sierra



A-6.1, A-6.2, EA-6.1



Monday - Friday 08:30 to 13:30.


We will work with hybrid buildings which main program will be public building.

The cross of functional programs (clearly separated until recently) induces interactions and synergies as unforeseen as fertile: museum/shopping mall, market/civic center, gym/coworking, swimming pool/library... Usually these new programs are developed in containers of complex envelope and neutral inner space, with isotropic or perimeter structures and instalations.

In this way we will study the characteristics that make the spaces be flexible, adaptable and perfectibles: three ideas that can seem synonyms, but they are not.

The architect's task in these cases will be to think without prejudices what new posibilities open as to the definition of spaces (interior exterior relation, light, path...) so that the result will be significant in perceptive and cultural terms.

