Design I-II. Morning
Cristina Gaston [R] Andreu Arriola Madorell Carmen Domingo Karin Elke Hofert Felix Eva Maria Jiménez Eduard Miralles Millon Estel Ortega Vazquez Mónica Tàrrega Klein
A-11, A-12, A-13, A-14
A-21, A-22, A-23, A-24
Monday 10:30-13:30 Wednesday 10:30-13:30
The second year is about two main notions: construction and place. The architectural design is a document whose main goal is to make the material building of what it represents possible. Therefor it is a technical document. Its main goals are the accuracy of the measurements and the solidity of the whole. At the same time every proyect is about a specific place and must be able to extract from it its most significant qualities.
To construct means cordially gather a series of material elements estabishing between them specific relations. The construction sets the syntatic rules of architecture. From this perspective to construct equals to compose, to put together in a concerted way the architectural elements adopting the value of the materiality as verification of the proyect.
Every place is an bounded area and with identity. The desing must read the place and bring out its specific qualities. The concept of place must not be confused with the concept of context. Every place is a space that has memory where material strata lay within time. The goal is to show through the design the pontentiality of the place.
The architecture is not the result of the individual invention, but the result of a transformation process of a preexisting material. In the desing we always start with a preexisting material from which manipulation comes out the new form. To transform means to go from one form to another. At the same time the place introduces the temporal dimension of the architecture. The more suitable subjects to complete these contents are: construction, history, structures and drawing.