Design III-IV. Afternoon



Pere Joan Ravetllat [R]
Jordi Badia Rodríguez
Concepció Balcells Blesa Bárbara Nogueral Diez          Marta Peris Eugenio            Jesús Quintana Gómez        Pablo Roel Herranz              Xavier Ros Majo   


A-51, A-52, C-S5, C-S6
C-S7, C-S10, C-S2, C-S8



Lunes de 17:00 a 20:00

Miércoles de 17:00 a 20:00


This third year, placed in the middle of the degree, aims to consolidate the previous knowledge at the same time that it stars the understatement of the design in all its complexity.

The course is dedicated to the housing, probably the fisrt and the most direct architecture knowledge that everybody expiriences and one of the programs that contributes the most to the definition of the cities. It seems appropiate and attractive at the same time that makes the professional discussion about how the housing must be coincide with a more academic though inside the frame of the architecture school.

We propose a program know but full of uncertainties and where instead of looking for unequivocal answers we aim to think how the housing can satisfy the contemporary necessities and at the same time give an answer to the place's identity. The housing design's contribution to the definition of our cities is very important and in consecunse we propose exercices with clear and specific urban implications. From this point of view the relation between the design and its enviroment or the complementarity of building-public space are basic and inalienable questions.

