Design III-IV. Morning



Jaime Coll López [R]
Estefania de Arrate Abaigar Eduard Callís Freixas            Cristina Gamboa
Cristina Jover Fontanals
Miquel Mariné Núñez            Arnau Sastre Cuadri              Marc Subirana Ribera          Antoni Vidal Jordi   



C-S10 (inglés)
C-S1, C-S5, C-S6, C-S7                  C-S2, C-S8, C-S9



Monday 10:30-13:30                      Wednesday 10:30-13:30


The course of Design III-IV sets a contemporary reality and a challenge: the sudy of the Contemporary Collective Housing.

The criteria of the Design Teaching from the year 2006 explained that the third year should analyze the relations between housing and the city, studying the different systems of housing group, the duality of public/private in the space of housing, the ground floor as an intersection place between housing and city and the economic and social implication of the housing design.

After the years passed since 2006 the housing bubble has happened and a crisis that has especially affected the housing and its users. New programs, users, "tempos" and environmental parameters (water, energetic saving, life clycle of the materials) have come up.

This is generating new typologies: urban colective housing, microapartments, temporary accomodation, emergency housing and new strategies of living: Perfectability (capacity of adaptation to the necessities of the user and that allowes their intervention), Variability (typologyy variations from a model) and Flexibility (capacity of spatial transformation), Adaptability (capacitu of temporal transformation).

