ETSAB Visiting Studio


Ariadna Perich                                        Roger Such Sanmartí







Tuesday 8:30 - 13:30                  Thursday 10:30 - 13:30


In 2014, the Barcelona School of Architecture, together with the Barcelona Metropolitan Area and the Barcelona City Council, initiated a series of academic exchanges with professors and universities from outside Catalonia through the ETSAB Visiting Studio.

This teaching formula allows the student to get in touch with architects and teachers of recognized prestige who offer ways of thinking and understanding architecture different from the usual ones in our school. It also allows you to enjoy different ways of approaching the teaching of architectural project than those you have been getting to know through your academic journey through ETSAB. In the case of the Visiting Studio of the year 2021-2022, the guest lecturer has been Juan Carlos Arnuncio Pastor, a renowned architect from Valladolid and professor of architectural projects at the schools of architecture of Valladolid and Madrid. Juan Carlos Arnuncio offers the student an approach to the project that combines discipline with tangential looks at other disciplines or artistic currents, from the conviction that it is possible to build bridges -both fertile and not literal- between architecture, painting, sculpture, ready-made, etc.

The collaborative relationship established by ETSAB with the Barcelona Metropolitan Area through Visiting Studio makes it possible to display and showcase the academic and teaching activities developed at the school. It is a way for the work developed by teachers and students to transcend the boundaries of the school and have an impact on the city. This two-way relationship is enormously constructive for both sides, insofar as it allows students to deal with real locations and problems of the city and the administration; as a result, the AMB obtains ideas, analyses, studies and proposals developed without the restrictions associated with professional practice and strict compliance with regulations, which can stimulate ways of understanding and managing hitherto unanticipated. For the Visiting Studio of the 2021-2022 school year, taking advantage of Juan Carlos Arnuncio's previous experience of how to intervene in historical buildings, the AMB proposes as an object of reflection the Can Bagaria factory, in Cornellà de Llobregat. It is a factory complex originally used as a textile factory, formed by several buildings with different structural solutions in order to allow the entry of light from above. The great challenge for the AMB is to find a new use that gives meaning to the whole.

