Theory and Design.



Mara Partida Muñoz (R)     Judith Leclerc                                Julio Jose Mejón Artigas



A-6.1, A-6.2, EA-6.1



Monday-Friday 08:30-13:30


We will work with hybrid buildings which main program is residential.

In order to face the emerging ways of housing we should leave out a good amount of the stereotyped knowledge from the last productions derived from the housing bubble. We should design imaginatively, look sideways what happens in the world and selectively recover past experiences, both formally and socially and technically. We have to study proposals that break with the limited existing typological variety, both in the public and in the private; to look for forms that are more adapted to the nomadic, global, provisional and urban life of the present time.

To propose hybrid buildings with shared services favours both the community life and the individual one in condominium type sets, in the line of the recent Swiss cooperatives. We have to present both the posibility of rehabilitate obsolete housing from typological corrections and the posibility of inhabit new spaces, not only the housing urban plots. Like this the industrial space, warehouses, offices... are turned into opportunities and challenges. And finally we have to face all this, from the perfectability (giving the user the capacity of interention in the use and evolution of the house) and the variability (combining typological varieties from a model).

