Urban Scenes

Project, Process and Programming



Toni Vidal






Moday, Tuesday and Wednesday 15:30 - 19:30


Barcelona is a planned city, understandable, in many respects, hierarchical; little possessed of the hidden and indecipherable order that determines other cities; consequently, it becomes a great board for learning and reading strategies for the project.

The subject focuses on the analysis and knowledge of the city and its design tactics from the various points of view that most influence its planning: geography,
architectural, urban, social, economic, political and spatial.

Among many others, two priority objectives are sought:

- Recognize the stages of formation of the city and its architectural milestones.

- Understand, from its beginnings, the city as a project (voluntarily planned or involuntarily developed) and learn the strategies that are behind the formation of the current Barcelona.

Architectural competitions are an important reading board as they facilitate understanding and debate from broad points of view (politics, management, fashion, architecture, urban conflict resolution, evolutionary proposals, etc. ).

The subject proposes an approach to the architecture and urbanism of Barcelona through the competitions of important interventions convened and debated at the

